Battlefield Lighthouse Services Corporation
SAVE Recovery Services for Boys and Girls


804-523-SAVE (7283)


Fax: 804-726-2273


At SAVE the referral process is simplified for you. It begins with a telephone call or email to the agency prescreener who will complete a preliminary application with you right over the telephone or via email. 


Information gathered during the initial communication will include the child’s full legal name, identifying information if known, guardianship, funding source, history of abuse, current medical needs, behavioral history, reporting of communicable disease, and other important social history.


Within 21 days the placing agent must return and complete the following:


· The S.A.V.E. Residential Application for Admission and Placement Agreement;

· A complete and most current Psychological and Social History (If Available);

· A Psychiatric History if the Client has been hospitalized (as well as a discharge summary for the last hospital or institution that the Client was placed in) if applicable;

· Most current updates of medical/physical and dental examination (information needs to include immunization records as well as a current TB test a maximum of 90 days current; refer to Physical Examination form in the Resident Referral Packet);

· School information (must include last report card from last school attended; mainstream or special education student – current I.E.P.);

· Terms of psychological and therapeutic services needed during stay;

· A copy of final discharge information from last placement;

· A copy of birth certificate, custody order, social security card and Medicaid card;

· A copy of the Purchase Order;

· A Certificate of Need if receiving Medicaid Funded Services.